Like most things that go awry in my quotidian, the following post has an awful lot to do with my mother. I don't have mommy issues...I suffer from something profoundly more twisted and frightening.
Allow me to expound.
Let me quickly get this out of the way: I love my mother. She is a strong and snarky human being who fears absolutely nothing. Believe me when I say that when I want someone to get it, I unleash them on her. Fo' realz. This is a woman who once made a cashier (a grown man might I add) cry because he over charged us for oranges and Dunkaroos.
"I know why you did this and it's because ripping people off is a game to you. Don't give me that look, I'm not afraid to fight you."
The exchange lasted for a full 10 minutes before the manager had to intervene and tell the poor cashier to go home for the day and my mother and I strolled outta there with a 50 dollar voucher. What's a goon to a goblin, right?
I've lived the majority of my existence terrified of my mother. I never snuck out at night to see friends, I never went anywhere without telling her where I was going or who I was with, and when I lie to her you could easily mistake me for a stroke patient. I get sweaty, I don't speak coherently and my eyes twitch. I still believe it is the natural order of things that one should fear his or her mother.
Has this kept me in check? One could argue yes. I was always a good student, I've never had problems with men or gotten pregnant and I don't get trashed every weekend. On the other hand, I basically dropped out of school this year (I'm going back in September...maybe...uh, yeah that's another topic) and all I've been doing is spending money on clothes and music.
Am I rebelling? I don't think so. I think I'm just relaxing a little and trying to enjoy life a little more but how on Earth will I break it to her that all I want to do is write and travel for a year. Consciously, I know I'm an adult and she really can't do very much about what I decide to do with my life. However, every time I start the conversation, my voice breaks and she gets very suspicious. I go into the bathroom and take a few deep breaths before I go back and start a totally different conversation. She must think I'm snorting Xanax or something.
Hopefully I'll just come out with it and she'll be totally accepting. And by "accepting" I mean she might not whoop me.