I wish it was summer in Paris again and I wish I was on the Pont des arts with friends, laughing and praying that the night would never end. I sound like a sappy m.f. but damn I love Paris. It was nothing like I thought it would be and everything I could have hoped for. It was stunningly beautiful and yet it could be ugly (nothing ruins your mood like realizing that the reason the metro stinks so bad is because someone probably peed in the seat your sitting in) but even that brief moment in time is plucked from your mind as soon as you walk in front of Saint-Sulpice and realize your eyes have never been delighted with such overwhelming beauty since ... ever.
I could talk about it forever but to put it into mere mortal words is to murder it in a way...your eyes can't speak and your mouth can't see for a reason. So I tell you all to go and see for yourself and love it for yourself.
I'm happy to be home, honestly. I need to prepare for the next phase in life which is unknown to me now but I know I'm on the verge of something wonderful or disastrous. That is to say I'm more comfortable in accepting that what tomorrow brings is something I'll never be privy to. I can only live it as it comes.
In case you were wondering, I'm currently working on a children's book about fairies and desperately searching for a word besides "fairy" to use. Maybe I should invent a word. If JKR can use "muggle" and make it synonymous with human being I'm sure I can do the same thing for fairies with "grimroder"....it'll catch on one day, right? And yes, I did just make that up right now but mark my words it will become apart of the lexicon before I'm dead! (I'm also open to suggestions).
All this talk of I, I, I...I'm getting sick of me. That's all I can say for now and it's time I delve into some blogs I've been missing out on for far too long. Au revoir.
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